Claim for free home insulation - Universal Credit

Free Boiler Grant on Universal Credit

Universal Credit is now replacing the following benefits and in time all will be phased out leaving just the Universal Credit:- Child Tax Credit, Housing Benefit, Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Working Tax Credit. Therefore, you should double check your benefits paperwork before proceeding with government ECO scheme 2022.

From the 1st October 2018 the Government has removed any caps on your household’s income allowing almost everyone in the receipt of Universal Credit to claim a free home insulation grant without delay. You might be asked to provide a proof of your benefits – Claim now!

Universal Credit is normally a standard allowance of £251.77 for 1 adult and can be £498.89 for 2 adults. Other additional elements may apply.


I receive Universal Credit.